When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do? -- John Maynard Keynes

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Hillary Clinton juggernaut to the White House in 2016 unstoppable?

What could sink the Hillary Clinton juggernaut to the White House in 2016? This one is not hard to figure out -- and it has everything to do with ego, greed, and everything repugnant about our current political "pay to play" culture --

Chelsea, the Clintons, and the Foundation:
As the 34-year-old tries to wean some of the cronies from the Clinton Foundation — which is, like the Clintons themselves, well-intended, wasteful and disorganized — Chelsea is making speeches that go into foundation coffers. She is commanding, as The Times’s Amy Chozick reported, up to $75,000 per appearance. (source: Maureen Dowd in the New York Times, infra)

Isn’t It Rich? - NYTimes.com: "“It is troubling when corporate donors give to political charities with a more or less obvious expectation that softer and gentler treatment will ensue in the future. It is also troubling when some of the payers are public or nonprofit entities themselves such as colleges and universities, converting taxpayer funds and tax-exempt donations into signals that could end up in positive treatment when these institutions are themselves seeking access and favors, even if it is only a good word put in by one of the Clintons to a federal agency providing funding or to a regulator who might be taking a critical look at university tuitions and endowment payouts.”" (read more here)

The Big Picture

Financial Crisis - The Telegraph

JohnTheCrowd.com | The Sailing Website

Craig Newmark - craigconnects
