Rough health law fallout tightens key Senate races: "....Thanks to the fiasco that followed the launch of President Barack Obama’s signature health care law, Democrats are now bracing for hard-fought Senate races in states they hoped to win with ease just two months ago. Weeks of technical problems with the health insurance enrollment website combined with anxiety over insurance cancellations for millions have erased early advantages enjoyed by Democratic candidates Peters in Michigan and Mark Udall in Colorado...." source: AP (read more at link above)
GOP surges ahead of Democrats in 2014 generic ballot - CBS News: "... Democrats are being hurt by President Obama’s low approval ratings: 55 percent of those surveyed said they are more likely to vote for a Congressional candidate who opposes the president, versus just four in 10 who would choose a candidate who supports him. There has been a huge drop in support for Democrats among men. In October, 46 percent opted for the Democrat on the generic ballot. In the most recent survey, just 35 percent did...."
There are consequences in politics. You hit people in the pocketbook, you lie to them, you run their government incompetently, based on lies, spin and deniability, be prepared for blowback at the next election. Obama and Democrats can't spin themselves out of this vortex.
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