When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do? -- John Maynard Keynes

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Memo to Obama: this is YOUR government, YOUR administration

Bill Clinton calls Obama ‘amateur’ president: book - NYPOST.com: "“Barack Obama,” Bill Clinton said, according to book excerpts, “is an amateur.”. . . Obama, Bill Clinton said, “doesn’t know how to be president” and is “incompetent.”"

Obama likes to perform the functions of a figurehead--speeches, fund raising, etc., but when it comes to real governance, well, he's MIA--no one told me, etc.  There are no leadership or management skills evident. In fact, because he lacks any prior executive, management, or business experience, the entire Obama administration appears to function as a cocoon around its "leader." He's isolated, out of touch. That's why when the US ambassador to Libya was murdered, he thought he could just issue an "order" and go off to do more fund raising/speech making (in that case he went to Las Vegas). In the meanwhile, others were left to try to get something done (or in the case of the U.S. military, to "stand down").

So what do we have now? A dysfunctional government (that Obama sentimentalizes is doing "good" while railing against "small government" advocates)--GSA scandals, Fast and Furious, AP reporters targeted by the DOJ, political groups targeted by IRS, Benghazi cover-up/YouTube blamed, Obamacare mess about to engulf the health care system and skyrocket costs--just to name a few examples of many, very many. And for all of you "big government progressives," here's a picture of what your "big government" really is--a bully:

IRS probe ignored most influential groups - Business - Boston.com: "‘‘The IRS goes AWOL when wealthy and powerful forces want to break the law in order to hide their wrongful efforts and secret political influence,’’ said Rhode Island Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, a Democrat who is among a small Senate group pushing campaign finance reform measures that would force these big outside groups to disclose their donors. ‘‘Picking on the little guy is a pretty lousy thing to do.’’"

Little wonder that even the New Yorker has had enough--Obama Denies Role in Government : The New Yorker: "President Obama used his weekly radio address on Saturday to reassure the American people that he has “played no role whatsoever” in the U.S. government over the past four years. “Right now, many of you are angry at the government, and no one is angrier than I am,” he said. “Quite frankly, I am glad that I have had no involvement in such an organization.”. . . ." (read more at The Borowitz Report parody)


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