When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do? -- John Maynard Keynes
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Obama and Rice wrong about Benghazi -- it was a terrorist attack, not an obscure YouTube video protest
You can watch the CNN report above--bottom line: Barack Obama and Susan Rice were wrong and misinformed the American people about the attack in that resulted in the death of the U.S. ambassador and others--it was a terrorist attack by an Al Qaeda related group, and was not a spontaneous demonstration about an obscure YouTube video that Obama and others in his administration made such a big deal about. I previously posted about the gross incompetence and/or malfeasance of the Obama administration in this matter (see Just how inept is the Obama administration? and Attack in Libya - Obama and Hilary need to explain this). It is good that Petraeus is finally clearing the air from the confusion and misinformation planted by the Obama administration.
If Obama and Rice were unsure of the facts about Benghazi, they should not have jumped to conclusions, as Rice did on national television five days after the attack, when she blamed an obscure YouTube video instead of blaming the culprits--the terrorists!
Was it the Obama administration's intent to provide cover, aid and comfort to an enemy? Or was that just an "unintended consequence" of the Obama administration's campaign of misinformation about Benghazi?
Susan Rice on ABC's This Week, September 16, 2012--five days after Benghazi attack
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