Dogging Mitt Romney - By Gail Collins, Published: March 7, 2012, New York Times--
"I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned this, but Mitt Romney once drove to Canada with the family Irish setter on the roof of the car. Seamus, the dog-on-the-roof, has become a kind of political icon. You cannot go anywhere without running into him. There are Seamus T-shirts and endless Web sites. This week, the story was a New Yorker cover, with Rick Santorum playing the role of the Irish setter. Neil Swidey, the Boston Globe reporter who first broke the Seamus story in 2007 . . . "
Heck, even Team Santorum joined in:
The Page by Mark Halperin | Team Santo Won't Stop Seamus Barking: "Santo spox Stewart follows Brabender, attacking the frontrunner on being "out of touch," pandering in Puerto Rico and Seamus. Stewart: "If you can't be nice to your dog, who you gonna be nice to?""