I’ve noted Rick Perry’s campaign for President previously, but yesterday, buried in a story on Michele Bachmann was this:
Before we bid adieu to Michele Bachmann, let’s look at her other charge against Perry: that the governor tried to start up a vaccination program because he got campaign contributions from the vaccine’s maker, Merck.
“If you’re saying that I can be bought for five thousand, I’m offended,” said Perry, in a response that will make a swell campaign ad. (“Vote for the Man Who Can’t Be Bought for as Little as $5,000!”)
Although Merck has apparently donated about $30,000. And at the time Perry made the decision, his former chief of staff was working for Merck as a lobbyist.
Rick Perry supports abstinence-only sex education in all Texas public schools. He doesn’t think kids should be taught about condoms. How many of you really think he would leap to the cutting-edge front of the war against sexually transmitted disease by inoculating 12-year-old girls simply because, as he put it, “I am always going to err on the side of life.”
Let me see a show of hands.
Sooner or later, even Michele Bachmann will turn out to be right about something. (emphasis added)
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