Guitar Frets: Environmental Enforcement Leaves Musicians in Fear | Postmodern Times - Federal agents swooped in on Gibson Guitar Wednesday, raiding factories and offices in Memphis and Nashville, seizing several pallets of wood, electronic files and guitars. The Feds are keeping mum, but in a statement yesterday Gibson's chairman and CEO, Henry Juszkiewicz, defended his company's manufacturing policies, accusing the Justice Department of bullying the company. "The wood the government seized Wednesday is from a Forest Stewardship Council certified supplier," he said, suggesting the Feds are using the aggressive enforcement of overly broad laws to make the company cry uncle . . . . It isn't just Gibson that is sweating. Musicians who play vintage guitars and other instruments made of environmentally protected materials are worried the authorities may be coming for them next. . . .
See comments of Michael Class: When do we put an end to the police state?
and Mike Carroll: I'm a piano technician and I have seen the end of piano manufacturing in the US. And do you think it will ever come back. Would any corporation ever locate in the US now. But you can bet the foreign corporations like Yamaha are sharpening up their sales projections for the US with Gibson going down. And they'll still use ebony and rosewood and the government won't say a thing to them.
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